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ImagoVFX is created and designed to be GREEN 

We believe that sustainability is the cornerstone for building our future so IMAGOVFX was created and designed to be GREEN and bring its own contribution to sustainability and environmental preservation. Aware of the various protocols that have been developed in recent years for the sustainability of productions, we felt it was important to complement what is done in the filming phase also in the post-production phase. 


That's why we chose LifeGate Energy's renewable energy for our company: 100% renewable, 100% Italian, certified origin, and we developed and activated our own protocol becoming “friends” of EcoMuvi and FCTP's Green Set program .

Preserving a territory does not only mean respecting the natural environment, but also the human, social, cultural sphere, giving space to local excellences; for this reason we have chosen to offer our Customers only eco-sustainable and fair trade products from realities and excellences that are all Piedmontese.

Moreover, the residual CO2 emissions of the energy production and distribution activities are offset with the Zero Impact project.

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